You use Typescript. You want to type the world. But you don’t want to read the whole Typescript doc. So here I come with this introduction to Typescript advanced typings with all type tricks you need.
Note: this article is not an introduction for Typescript beginners. I’m considering you’re here with a bit of Typescript experience and you need to go further in Typescript world. If you never used Typescript, please take a look at lease to this tutorial and take the time to manipulate some Typescript code.
- Typescript in 5 minutes:
Dynamically type a function
You need to create a function which can have different returns types according to its parameters.
const f = <T>(param1: T): T => { return param1; }
const createStore = <T> (mainReducer: Reducer<T>): Store<T> => {…}
const someStore = createStore(someTypedReducer);
This feature works like the infer syntax. We describe a generic type T which will be determined by the Typescript compiler each time you will use the function f. You can use this type to create a complex return type like in **Usage.
This is a very powerful feature which allows the creation of complex auto-inferred types.
You can take a look in Typescript 2.4 notes to see some other examples.
Non Nullable type
You need to forbid a variable to be null (or undefined).
type NonNullable<T> = T extends null | undefined ? never : T;
Important note: NonNullable is available in global Typescript context
NonNullable<string | null> // string
We need to use a Typescript 2.8 trick with a distributive conditional type.
If we take T = string | undefined
, we reduce the code with this:
NonNullable<string|undefined> = (string extends undefined | null ? never : T) | (undefined extends undefined | null ? never : T);
So we check each type of T and if one of these types is null or undefined, it will be replaced by never which is the Typescript way to remove a type.
You can also define a Diff type to remove any type from T:
type Diff<T, U> = T extends U ? never : T;
type ReturnType<T> = T extends (…args: any[]) => infer R ? R : any;
Important note: ReturnType is available in global Typescript context.
const f = () => 2;
ReturnType<typeof f> // number
Another Typescript 2.8 use here.
keyword tells to the compiler to get the type of a variable. We check if T is a function and telling to the compiler to associate a type R to the type of the return. So we just have to return the type R if T is a function.
Instance Type of a class
type InstanceType<T extends new (…args: any[]) => any> = T extends new (…args: any[]) => infer R ? R : any;
Important note: InstanceType is available in global Typescript context.
class C { constructor() {} }
InstanceType<typeof C> // C
Always Typescript 2.8 use here.
This is the same trick as ReturnType. We just need to check if the object T extends the function new (which is the needed function to create a class in JS). If new exists, we just get the return type of the new function.
Set all properties of an object as optional
type Partial<T> = { [P in keyof T]?: T[P] };
Important note: Partial is available in global Typescript context.
Partial<{ value: number}> // {value?: number}
We dive in Typescript 2.1 here.
The syntax used here is the mapped typed syntax. We iterate on each key of T (stored each time in the type variable P) and for each key P, we create a new optional property with its value T[P]
It seems complicated at the beginning, but it’s just nothing more than an iteration on all keys of the object T.
Get the type of a function parameter
type FirstParameter<T> = T extends (arg1: infer U, …args: Array<any>) => any ? U : undefined;
type SecondParameter<T> = T extends (arg1: any, arg2: infer U, …args: Array<any>) => any ? U : undefined;
const f = (someArg: number, otherArg: string) => true;
FirstParameter<typeof f> // number
SecondParameter<typeof f> // string
Some custom use of Typescript 2.8.
syntax can be used for anything in typing. Here, we just tell to Typescript to create a type U from getting the type of a specific argument when T is a function with enough parameters.
Make a union with all values of an array/object
You have an array, and you want to create a single union type with all values of an array or an object.
type Union<T> = T[keyof T];
Union<{value: number; otherValue: string}> // number | string
This one looks so ridiculous, but I figure out how to do that after a long time. It’s a custom use of the mapped types and lookup types of Typescript 2.1.
We iterate on all keys of T on T itself. The lookup type (keyof T
) gets all keys of T and create a union with all these keys. Accessing to T with a union of keys result by creating a union of values types.
With these simple tricks, you can now achieve a lot of works in Typescript world.
Don’t hesitate to comment if you have some questions about them. I’m available on this post comments or on my Twitter.
Thanks for reading! :)